Energy Work Sessions
In May, I move into my new office in downtown Santa Cruz and will begin offering in-person sessions again. I am so excited to see you in my beautiful space!
In-Person :: One Hour
Tuesdays - 9 am to 12 pm; and 2 pm to 5 pm
Fridays - 1 pm to 5 pm
Zoom :: One Hour
Session Packages
$750 for Five Sessions ($150/session)
$840 for Six Sessions ($140/session)
Benefits of Syntara System Energy Work
Greater clarity
Improved sense of wellbeing
Better capacity for self-regulation
Increased focus
Deeper relaxation
More direction and purpose
Stronger connection to your inherent wisdom
Everything is energy. It is the force of life that exists within and outside of our physical world. Our bodies, thoughts, emotions, relationships, other beings, the planet, the starts. Atoms, galaxies, universes…energy.
And within that energy, there is also distortion. We often say that there is only love and distortion of love.
Syntara System is a map of practices and principles that help return our natural connection to love. As a practitioner, I work with you and your energy body to create more harmony within your being, to bring more alignment to your many parts, to offer coherence to your system. In every session, I help you connect to something greater than you that carries infinite wisdom to bring about this harmony, alignment and coherence. -
I start each session listening to what is alive in your world. This gives me a glimpse into the resources that you bring and the patterns/challenges that you would like to shift. For the first 10 minutes, I will listen and may ask questions or reflect back to you what I am understanding. I am always curious to hear how you would like to feel after the session, what qualities you would like to bring into your world, what patterns you would like support re-organizing. Together, we will set an intention for your session.
After checking in, we will move to the more traditional part of session where I feel into your energy body and follow what needs to occur to bring more balance, coherence, harmony (among other things) to your system. This generally lasts about 40-45 minutes. Some clients like to lie down. Some prefer sitting. This is up to you.
We will spend some time in stillness and quiet. We will often spend some time with visualization or connecting to breath and body. Sometimes we will uncover wounded parts that need nourishment and care. Each session is different and follows the energy that arises. And each session is always held in a vast and deep field of coerence and love.
This type of work affects everyone differently. During your session, you might feel deep relaxation and release. Some people are visual and notice colors, shapes and visual representations. Some people are more somatic and feel the energy physically (tingling or warmth or movements through the subtle and physical body). There can be waves of emotion that move through. Some people just feel very relaxed. Some even fall asleep (the energy work continues even in sleep consciousness).
Throughout the session, these somatic and sensory experiences result from your body interpreting and adjusting to the energies being experienced and integrated.
If anything ever feels uncomfortable, please let me know and we will adjust (sometimes that will look like being with the discomfort; sometimes that will look like creating more resource in the system before turning towards the discomfort…we will find out way together).
In general, I recommend drinking lots of water and resting if you can - just like after a massage. We will likely come up with an integration plan together. This will differ based on your constitution, your needs, your awareness, and the particular issues that are arising. Some integration examples are: journaling, meditating, schedule rest, etc.
I work both in-person in Santa Cruz California and remotely via Zoom or phone.
In-person sessions are available Tuesdays and Fridays
Since I work in the energetic realms, I do not need to be physically near you for our work together to be potent. Syntara System sessions are equally beneficial whether in-person or at a distance. -
Absolutely!! Part of my work is to ensure that you have the support to bring energetic healing into your embodied experience. You may contact me directly in the weeks after our session with any questions or if any issues arise.
I am located at 412 Cedar Street Suite A in Santa Cruz, CA
Work with Me
Send a message to schedule a session or to learn more about how we can work together.