I began this journey as a healer with birth as my training ground. Training as a midwifery student…working as a doula… helping prepare for one of the biggest life changes…where the movement from “before” to “after” is palpable.
(Photo of me giving birth to our first child with my loving, present, connected support)
With birth, the world shifts so dramatically…and conclusively. Life will never again be what it was.
In labor, there are specific stages and phases. They occur as a pattern. First, early labor. Things are warming up. You can feel the signs that something is coming. There’s discomfort, pain even. But manageable.
Then, active labor starts. The contractions begin to come more regularly. There’s an intensity. A need for presence and exquisite attention (both for the birthing person and for their support). As intense as it is, it is still preparation for the birth, not quite the main event.
Until a moment arises…Transition. There is a physical sign that someone has reached transition…that it is time to allow the baby to emerge. The cervix is fully dilated.
For me and many other birth attendants, there is often a subtler sign, so widely seen that it is a hallmark of transition. The simple phrase or energy of “I can’t.”
I can’t do this anymore.
I can’t imagine how I am going to get a baby from in here to out there. I can’t.
I can’t.
And this is when support, presence, love is the most essential. At the time of imminent birth.
My journey as a healer has transformed. I no longer assist and support people at birth. I now assist and support people during transitions of all kinds…as an energy worker. In my work over these many years, I have seen how many of our other life transitions have the same energy as birth.
An overwhelm
A need for support
For presence
For love
I chose to call my practice Transitions Energy Healing because I know the potency of these changing times. Both the larger changes in our culture and the daily changes in our lives. And I know the potency and importance of support whenever we are facing those changes. The softening that occurs when we are held. The power that arises when we are seen in our power. The self-love that grows when we are connected to a greater love.
As I make this next transition, I am called to send gratitude to all who have held and supported me with softness and kindness, with fierceness and honesty. Those who have seen me in fullness and cheered me on. Those who have reminded me of the love that is available to me in every moment.
My teachers, my friends, my beloved supporters. I see you. I thank you. I love you. And I am committed to passing on all that you have poured upon me.
So welcome, everyone! Thank you for being here at my time of transition
As I re-vamp my website,
As I re-energize my practice, and re-start my writing
As I give birth to something new and (I hope) transformative.
I am so excited for all that we can share together as we grow and change - day to day.