Offering a Bridge

We all need a way to move from one state of being to another, from one mindset to another. We know how it feels to sense a chasm between where we are and where we want to be.

These divides can be found in our thoughts, our relationships, our professions and work lives, our spirit, our emotions, our identity and purpose. We know where we want to be, but are rooted where we are.

How do we transcend our current reality, when our hope lies on the other side of a seemingly uncrossable space? We need a way to bridge that divide.

I know this personally; years ago, I was filled with dreams of the person who I wanted to be. I could see the blurred outlines of that shimmering self on the other side. She was loving, capable, helpful, resourceful, and connected. And she had a purpose to help people.

From where I stood, I was sometimes those things. But I was unclear on how to access those parts with regularity...and I was completely in the dark about how I could be of service.

A fog of low self esteem surrounded me as I looked out at my dream/future-me. I had the urge to cross, but I had no bridge. I put out the intention, kept doing my inner work, kept reading my inspiring books, kept talking about who I wanted to be. And one day, I was introduced to Syntara System.

Over the course of 15 months studying with Syntara System founder, Gitanjali Hemp, I found a modality and framework to help me build these vital bridges. Now, years later, I use elements of the system every day. In little ways, in big ways. A quick grounding in a chaotic day, a clearing of energy that doesn't serve me, or a deep, connected, intensive work to find my next edge....and to build a bridge past it.

My new shimmering selves still appear on the other side of the chasm...and I have to blueprint and tools to build the bridge to connect between "who I am" and "who I AM" - over and over and over again. Because my shimmering self keeps showing up...growing and expanding, bringing more and more possibility.

Syntara System even helped me clear the confusion and find the work that lets me be of service (to people and to the world). I now teach this system to others.

AND...(cue announcement music) I am excited to share a new Syntara System introductory course starting March 9th to help us all find the bridges that we need!

Class information is at this link: Evolutionary Leap Course

If you are interested, feel free to contact me with any questions.


Intensity and Birth


Bridges and Balance